Authenticity of ratings

Since May 2022, the Omnibus Directive has been in force, according to which online retailers must provide mandatory information to verify the authenticity of customer reviews on their own online store.

Reviews on our website can only be submitted by customers with a registered user account and only for products that they have actually purchased from us. The rating function is therefore only activated after a purchase has been made. Every incoming evaluation is viewed and checked manually. We check the content of the evaluation for logical contradictions and other anomalies.

We would be delighted if you would like to rate our products.

To ensure that your rating is plausible and helpful for future customers, please observe the following guidelines when submitting your rating:

  • The evaluation may of course contain your opinion and, if necessary, criticism. However, any form of discrimination and insults will not be tolerated.
  • It is not permitted to leave advertisements for other products in reviews.
  • We do not allow reviews from so-called product testers. They must not have received any financial consideration from third parties for the valuation.
  • Reviews must be based on your experience with the product and must be truthful. Any form of untrue claims and attempts at manipulation will not be tolerated.
  • We reserve the right to temporarily or permanently block user accounts and the ratings they have submitted in the event of violations of our rating guidelines.
  • Filtered out ratings are simply not displayed and are not included in the overall rating shown.